We all deal with job stress at one point or another in our careers. But when left unchecked, job stress can lead to burnout—a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can negatively impact our work performance and overall well-being.
Workplace burnout is a unique form of job-related stress- a state of physical or emotional tiredness that also includes a sense of diminished accomplishment and a loss of one’s sense of self.
The good news is that there are ways to prevent and manage job stress before it gets the best of us.
Regardless of the source, experiencing job burnout can impact your physical and mental well-being. Think about how to recognize job burnout and what you can do to prevent it.
What is Job Stress?
Job stress is the physical and mental strain when work demands exceed one’s ability or resources to meet them.
It can result from having too much work and not enough time, an imbalanced workload, lack of control over work assignments, little autonomy in decision-making, and a perceived common sense of job security.
What is Burnout?
Burnout has been classified as a medical diagnosis by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been dealt with effectively.
Researchers point out that individual factors, such as personality traits and family life, influence who experiences job burnout.
It’s an emotional, mental, and physical reaction to constant stress. When work demands constantly pile up, it takes a toll on you.
You might start to feel unappreciated and overworked. Burnout is a thief of energy and productivity and can spread into your personal life.
You might come home feeling completely drained and dread the next day. You feel you have nothing more to give, or you stop caring. I
Job Stress And Burnout Symptoms
Here’s how to recognize the physical symptoms of work-related stress:
1. Loss of enthusiasm for work
2. Decreased job performance
3. Negative attitude about work
4. Overwhelming fatigue
5. Increased frequency of illnesses
6. Feeling detached or disconnected from work
7. Difficulty concentrating
8. Heightened feelings of frustration and irritability
9. Anxiety and depression
10. Other mental health issues
3 Types Of Burnout
The three subtypes of work burnout
1. Overload Burnout
Most people imagine burnout when they think of overload. To keep working at an unsustainable pace to achieve success, financial stability, or recognition.
2. Under-Challenged Burnout
Both a heavy workload and a lack of challenging work can cause burnout. People need to feel involved and stimulated to be happy in their employment. Without a passion for what they do, people become disengaged.
3. Neglect Burnout
People experience helplessness at work when they lack a sense of direction and agency. It cannot be easy to stay motivated when you believe that nothing you do is making a difference. Employees will burn out if they feel that the work is too complicated or that there is too much to do.
Tips To Prevent Job Stress And Burnout
When you experience burnout, it can feel like you are stuck in an endless work cycle. That’s why it’s essential to prevent work-related stress and burnout. Here are some tips for managing work-related stress:
Identify The Sources Of Your Stress
The first step in managing job stress is to identify the sources of your stress.
What are the things that cause you the most anxiety or make you the angriest? Is it a demanding boss, long hours, or unrealistic deadlines?
Once you’ve identified the source of your stress, you can start to develop a plan for dealing with it.
Develop A Support Network
A support network is crucial for managing job stress and avoiding burnout. Lean on your friends, family, or co-workers when stressed out.
They can offer you a listening ear and helpful advice. Consider seeing a therapist or counselor who can help you deal with job stress more holistically.
Make Time For Yourself Outside Of Work
It’s essential to find ways to relax and recharge outside of work. Otherwise, you’ll never be able to escape the stresses of your job entirely.
Make sure to schedule time for activities that make you happy, whether going for walks in nature, reading books, or spending time with loved ones.
And don’t forget to take vacation days! Taking time off will help you return to work feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.
Work-life balance is key to preventing work-related stress and burnout.
Take Time Off
Try to take a complete break from work if burnout appears unavoidable.
Take a trip, use your sick days, request a leave of absence, or do everything else to escape the situation.
Practice self-care and a healthy diet. Participate in physical activities such as yoga or running.
Take advantage of the time away to rest up and look into other treatment strategies.
Seek Professional Help
If work-related stress and burnout become too overwhelming, seek professional help. A counselor or therapist can work with you to develop coping strategies to manage work-related stress better.
They can also offer advice on creating a more balanced work life and suggest lifestyle changes that can help reduce work-related stress.
Get a Good Massage Or Relaxation Technique
Massages and relaxation techniques can work wonders for work-related stress.
The physical contact of a massage can help to relieve stress and tension in your body, while relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can help to clear your mind and reduce anxiety.
Job stress and work-related burnout can significantly impact your work performance and overall well-being. It’s essential to be aware of the signs of chronic workplace stress and take steps to prevent it before it becomes a bigger problem.
Take the time to identify the source of your work stress, build a support system, and make time for yourself.
With the right strategies in place, you can work toward taking back control of your work life and avoiding burnout.